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Spring Beauty De-Clutter

We’re welcoming in the Spring Bank Holiday with open arms and jumping at the chance to spend some time on a de-cluttering session this weekend.

The buzz word du-jour, largely in part due to the huge success of Marie Kondo’s book – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, de-cluttering is a vital part of any spring refresh. There’s something quite liberating in taking a look at your possessions and applying the Love It Or Lose It mantra to each one!

It’s important not to forget your beauty shelves, makeup bags and bathroom cupboards when it comes to a spring clean and tidy up. Old products that are out of date or no longer used take up valuable space – far better to be able to see exactly what you have when you’re in a rush to get ready.

Keep only the products that you truly love to use and your beauty routines will feel that little bit more indulgent. Multi-tasking and speedy use products are keepers as far as we’re concerned – space and time saving in one.

We love to start using Kukui Oil Radiant Glow Body Oil about this time of the year. That feeling of being able to spritz on, massage in and go and be left with a hint of our signature scent plus a slight sheen to the skin makes it feel like summer is just around the corner.

The Kukui Oil Wonder Balm is one of our best sellers and no wonder – this perfectly formed pot does it all! Use to combat areas of dryness such as lips, cuticles, elbows, knees and heels – we keep a pot on the bedside table and one in our handbags too.

Tidy up and make room on your beside table for another nighttime essential – Kukui Oil Nourishing Hand Cream. Perfect for a hit of intense moisture and nourishment to hands and nails, this can get to work whilst you sleep.

Post spring clean, don’t forget to freshen your home too. Light our Kukui Oil Candle, sit back, pour a glass of wine and admire all your hard work!

And we may be a little biased but we think our stylishly simple product packaging would grace any minimalist’s bathroom or beauty shelf!

  • Post author
    Amanda Connock

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