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Make Her Mother’s Day

Where would we be without our mums?  Bringing us safely into the world, wiping away the tears and fears of childhood and teens, being the voice of reason when ours is lacking and providing love and reassurance for every important step we take in life.

Some of us at Connock London are now on our own journey through motherhood and as we traverse the sometimes-choppy waters of our kids reaching all the different stages of growing up, we look back at our mums with a newfound respect and sometimes a sense of awe. How on earth did she do it?

March 15th is Mother’s Day and the perfect time to show her how special she is…not just on that day but far beyond too. 

At Connock London we believe in luxurious treats and gifts to be enjoyed long after the initial celebration, whatever the occasion may be.

Why not fill her home with the scent of exotic Hawaiian flowers with our Kukui Oil Fragrance Diffuser this spring? Floral notes of Gardenia and Jasmine blend into warm, woody base notes permeating the air with holiday memories and the promise of sunny days to come.

Combine it with a Kukui Oil Candle for the ultimate in sensory indulgence. In an exquisite glass holder and presented with Connock signature matches, this makes for the most thoughtful of gifts to be enjoyed over and over again.

To make your gift even more special, for £2.50 we’ll send it in beautifully wrapped in scented tissue and in one of our premium Connock London Gift Boxes. We’ll deliver straight to your mum with a handwritten note or send to you so you can carry out your own personal delivery.

To ensure your gift arrives in time for Mother's Day (Sunday March 15th), place your order with us before 2pm on 12th March 2015.

  • Post author
    Amanda Connock

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